Friday, April 10, 2009

Poll Results

Poll results of our first two questions are out:

  1. Our first question was "Does Canadian Healthcare system need a change?". 88% believe that Canadian healthcare system needs a selective change, only 5% believe that the system needs a complete overhaul and 5% believe that no change is required.
  2. Second question was "What is your opinion on the public versus private healthcare in Canada?". To this question, the opinion was split with 50% believing that there should be more privately owned and funded healthcare centres while 50% believed that healthcare should remain public.
Disclaimer: the poll results are based on a very small sample and represent a section of the society who are atleast college educated and are internet savvy.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Would you trade your Canadian healthcare insurance for an American one?

I hope you have all heard about Michael Moore and his movie Sicko. In this video, during a press conference, he was challenged by a Canadian in the audience regarding his (Moore's) description of average wait times in Canadian hospitals being about 20 to 40 minutes. Moore asked that person if he would trade his Canadian healthcare insurance for an American one. The answer Moore got from that person was an emphatic "NO". That says a lot about the Canadian healthcare system. It is like a value Canadians love and would never like to part with.

Having said that, there are numerous challenges the current healthcare system faces. The (disease related) healthcare outcomes are undoubtedly better in Canada than in the USA but a lot still needs to be improved. The debate continues despite the fact Moore has declared Canadian system as a model to follow. You may not agree with everything Moore says. Whatever Moore's motive, his movie Sicko raised a lot of awareness about the pitfalls of the American healthcare system and upside of the Canadian system in comparison to the American system.

Stay tuned...
